Dr. John Di Battista & Associates
Fees for Services
Individual Therapy or Counselling - 50 minutes
(For clients with a referral from a GP) $ 60.00 per session (out-of-pocket)
Individual Therapy or Counselling - 30 minutes $ 30.00 per session (out-of-pocket)
(For clients with a referral from a GP)
Couples Counselling - 50 minutes per session $ 60.00 per session (out-of-pocket)
(For clients with a referral from a GP and a diagnosed
mental health condition)
Individual or Group Counselling referred by
community agencies, employers, or NDIS $ 222.99 per session
(fees typically paid by referring organisation)
Psychological Assessments
(includes written report) conducted by clinically
trained psychologists $ 2,000.00 per assessment
General Consulting (eg. Agencies,
Corporations, Legal Practitioners) $ 295.00 per hour
Supervision – for fully registered Psychologists $ 150.00 per hour
Court Appearances as an Expert Witness :
– Giving evidence in court $ 500.00 per hour
– Waiting time in court $ 500.00 per hour
– Travelling time to and from court $ 500.00 per hour
All prices for psychotherapy services are inclusive of G.S.T.
All prices for any other services incur an additional 10% charge for G.S.T