Dr. John Di Battista & Associates
GP Referred Clients
Medicare Australia provides rebates for psychological services via their Better Access program. To access JDA's Bulk-Billed services (no out-of-pocket costs) clients must first be referred by a medical practitioner (i.e. GP or Psychiatrist).
Clients should initially discuss their mental health concerns with their GP or Psychiatrist and if your medical practitioner agrees that you would benefit from psychotherapy he / she is required to complete a Mental Health Care Plan (Hint: Ask your GP to complete an Item No. 2700, 2701, 2715 or 2717, depending on time taken to complete the Plan).
Clients will be required to bring along a copy of their Mental Health Care Plan and a letter of referral addressed to Dr. John Di Battista at their first session of psychotherapy. For Melbourne clients, referral letters and Mental Health Plans should be emailed or faxed to Dr. John Di Battista & Associates, preferably emailed to... johndibattista@bigpond.com
Once the paperwork is completed by any Medical Practioner, client should ring JDA for an appointment (see our Contact Us page for details)